END have shared the video for “Hesitation Wounds.” Watch it here:

“This Friday, June 5, we release our debut LP, Splinters From An Ever-Changing Face. It doesn’t feel like an appropriate time to be promoting music and we intentionally ignored yesterday’s release of our latest single, while members of END and the label worked on non-profit projects instead. We decided to launch our latest music video for the single ‘Hesitation Wounds,’ which was filmed by Eric Richter, as we approach release day, and will be donating 100% of profit from END merchandise sold through the Closed Casket Activities store now through this weekend to the American Civil Liberties Union in an attempt to support our communities that are suffering. Over a year was spent creating this album and we are all incredibly proud of the final product, but not proud of taking up space for more important voices, so you won’t be hearing much more from us for the time being. Thank you and enjoy the record.”