Frequently Asked Questions

What is Outburn?
Outburn is the leader of the new music revolution. From hard and heavy to subversive and sublime, Outburn is at the forefront of everything exciting in music today. Rock, metal, punk, hardcore, indie music, and more, Outburn is edgier and always ahead of the mainstream. Outburn Online and every issue of Outburn Magazine includes in-depth interviews with today’s hottest musicians, exclusive color photographs, and tons of new music reviews. Plus, we’ve got the latest music news, up-and-coming band features, giveaways, and coverage of popular live events—all delivered with the authority and integrity only Outburn can offer.

Where can I buy Outburn Magazine?
Back issues can be bought here at Outburn will also be on sale nationwide throughout the US and Canada at thousands of newsstand locations everywhere magazines are sold. 

How do I change my mailing address for a subscription?
Please email your new address to with “Change of Address” as the subject, or mail us a note to our PO Box address at least THREE weeks in advance. Outburn is not responsible for misdirected mail or obligated to replace missing issues if proper notice of your address change is not given in advance.

When will I receive my online order for issue(s) or free CDs?
Orders for most in-stock items will be processed and mailed within 5 to 7 business days. Please allow 3 – 4 weeks for delivery in the US.

How often is Outburn Magazine published?
Outburn was published on a bi-monthly schedule with five issues per year.

Do you ship Outburn to countries other than the US?

What is your return policy?
ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Subscriptions, free CDs, digital editions, and back/current issues are all non-refundable. Outburn is not responsible for mishandled mail or delays by the United States Post Office. If you receive a damaged or wrong item, contact us at to authorize a return/exchange/replacement within seven days of your receipt.

Why do Outburn back issues #1, #2, #7, #14, and #20 cost so much?
We only have a few copies of these previously sold-out issues for online sale only. The higher price for these collectors issues reflect the extremely limited quantities available.

What are your ad rates and deadlines?
To request ad rates, deadlines, and magazine info, email us at Please include your contact information, type of business, and advertising plans in your email.

Is Outburn looking for writers and photographers?
Outburn is always accepting applications from well qualified music writers and experienced music photographers. 
Writers: Music writers specializing in interviews and reviews may send published samples to our PO Box or email us a brief letter at Please include your credentials and the type of music/bands you are interested in covering. 
Photographers: Photographers specializing in band portraits (on location and in studio) may send examples to our PO Box or email us a brief letter with your website address. Please include your credentials, where you are located, and a list of bands that you have already photographed.