Massive Incineration

Massive Incineration



UNRELENTING FREIGHT TRAIN OF DEATH: Massive Incineration is like a runaway freight train speeding down the tracks at breakneck speed, a relentless onslaught of lightning-fast blast beats and razor-sharp guitar riffs. Vomit the Soul are true masters of their craft, or should we say, masters of death. This record is visceral, technical, brutal, and thoroughly extreme. It never slows or fades, keeping one foot planted firmly on the gas pedal from pillar to post. 

From the opening assault of “Annihilate the Infernal Army,” you are plunged into the album’s fiery depths. “Bed for Mercy” and “Bloodtime” follow suit, delving further into that whirlpool of destruction, chaos, and the macabre, painting vivid images of a world consumed by fire and death. “Call to the Abyss” and “Church of Losers” are riff-driven lunacy, highlighting the band’s ability to create a palpable sense of dread and urgency. The guttural vocals, delivered with unwavering ferocity, perfectly complement the dark and apocalyptic atmosphere of the album. “Mark of Blasphemy” is a standout track with stomping grooves, devastating refrains, pig squeals, and the like. Listen, Vomit the Soul isn’t reinventing the wheel with Massive Incineration, which is alright because this is a damn fine release. The title track casts a spotlight on the drum work, with relentless precision, speed, unyielding momentum, and technical prowess. From the guitars to the drums, one standout aspect of Massive Incineration is the musicianship on display throughout this record, which is obviously a good thing, though the musicality here is so good that it often times overshadows the vocals, which becomes monotonous at times, getting lost in the mix.  

Massive Incineration is a triumph of brutal death metal, offering a relentless barrage of intensity, technicality, and dark atmosphere. They call it extreme metal for a reason and on Massive Incineration, Vomit the Soul lives up to that moniker, and then some. ~ Brian Campbell