Eight Years of No One Survives: A MiniDocLikon…or NekroDocLikon

From the Real Goblins of Nekrogoblikon:

Hey friends,

As of today it has officially been 8 YEARS since we (Nekrogoblikon, Brandon Dermer, and Dave Rispoli) unleashed our viral “NO ONE SURVIVES” video and made John Goblikon the most famous ACTUAL GOBLIN on the planet. In celebration we’ve released this mini-documentary telling the story of the origin of the band, how the video came to be, and the subsequent breaking of reality that ensued.

Why 8 years you ask? Simple: according to ancient goblin mythology, the number 8 represents a new beginning. It is a number of hope, new horizons and a bright future. It is connected with Goblin Jesus and his resurrection, as he was resurrected on the 8th day after he was chosen to be the one who would sacrifice a plate of Chili’s Southwestern Eggrolls for the sins of humanity. Either that or we just couldn’t wait two more years.


Real Goblins