Ashes of the Leviathan Tour: LAMB OF GOD and MASTODON with Kerry King and Malevolence
Kia Forum
Los Angeles, CA
The Ashes of the Leviathan tour roared into the Kia Forum on August 21, 2024, transforming the venue into a metal mecca for fans eager to celebrate the 20th anniversaries of Lamb of God’s Ashes of the Wake and Mastodon’s Leviathan.

Malevolence kicked off the night with a blistering set. Opening with the thunderous “Malicious Intent,” the band quickly showcased their blend of metalcore and groove metal. Tracks like “Self Supremacy” and “On Broken Glass” illustrated their aggressive energy and commanding stage presence. Despite being the opener, Malevolence proved they were more than capable of holding their own, energizing the packed crowd and setting a high bar for the night’s performances.

Next, the stage was overtaken by Kerry King’s new band, simply known as Kerry King. The set was an electrifying plunge into thrash metal’s deep end. King, the co-founder of Slayer, wanted to try something new and assembled a titan-filled lineup: drummer Paul Bostaph (Slayer), vocalist Mark Osegueda (Death Angel), lead guitarist Phil Demmel (Machine Head), on bass Kyle Sanders (HELLYEAH), and himself, lead guitarist Kerry King. From the moment their first song, “Where I Reign,” roared to life, a massive circle pit erupted. King’s herculean and speedy guitar solos were a masterclass in metal precision, complemented by the relentless blast beats of Bostaph. Demmel’s guitar work did not fall short of the technique of King’s solos, adding another layer of intensity to the performance. The visceral, thunderous vocal performance of Osegueda bolstered the band’s formidable sound. The set list was a thrilling ride, featuring songs like “Trophies of the Tyrant” and “Shrapnel,” and the crowd erupted during the Slayer classics “Raining Blood” and “Black Magic,” demonstrating their unwavering enthusiasm for the iconic songs. As the final notes faded, the band celebrated their inaugural show with shots of Jägermeister on stage, marking a successful debut that left fans eager for more.

Mastodon’s set was a masterful celebration of their landmark album Leviathan. As the lights dimmed, a cinematic video of Captain Ahab set the stage for what was to come. With “Blood and Thunder” igniting the crowd, the band delivered a flawless play through of the album, complete with oceanic visuals, stormy backdrops, and impressive pyrotechnics. Each song, from “I Am Ahab” to “Joseph Merrick,” was met with roars of approval, with highlights including the thunderous “Iron Tusk” and the epic “Hearts Alive.” Guitarists Brent Hinds and Bill Kelliher dazzled with their intricate solos, while Troy Sanders and Brann Dailor held down the rhythm with precision. Towards the end, the band brought out a giant monster, the Cysquatch, who joined them on stage during “Circle of the Cysquatch,” adding an extra layer of spectacle to the performance. Following a thunderous performance of “Steambreather,” the band hinted at new music on the horizon, leaving the audience buzzing with anticipation, and concluded with a heartfelt story about discovering Leviathan on Best Buy store shelves, revealing how the band’s journey intertwined with Lamb of God’s own success.

Lamb of God closed out the night with a performance that was both a tribute to their classic album Ashes of the Wake and a testament to their enduring power. The anticipation was palpable as the band launched into “Laid to Rest,” with vocalist Randy Blythe delivering an explosive performance that included dynamic stage moves and intense vocal delivery. Blythe jumping off the high drum set platform was one for the memories. The set was a relentless assault of energy, featuring favorites like “Now You’ve Got Something to Die For” and “Omerta,” which was marked by an intense spoken intro and powerful pyrotechnics. As the lights cut out after “The Faded Line,” Blythe took to the platform, illuminated from below, to address the crowd. The band continued with a thrilling encore, including “Walk with Me in Hell”—dedicated to drummer Art Cruz for his hometown show—and the raucous “Redneck,” which spurred the largest circle pit of the night. The crowd’s aggression was a testament to Lamb of God’s continued relevance and prowess in the metal scene.

The Ashes of the Leviathan tour was a monumental celebration of two defining albums, each band bringing their own unique flavor to a night that will be remembered for years to come. From the relentless aggression of Malevolence and Kerry King to the iconic metal of Mastodon and the thunderous set by Lamb of God, the Kia Forum witnessed a night of pure metal magic.