After revealing the first details about their upcoming digital EP We Are Nøt Okay, due to be released on April 30th, OCEANS follow-up with the first tunes of their new masterpiece. Today, the band release the title track “WE ARE NØT OKAY” and therefore team up with Andy Dörner (CALIBAN), joining the song as feature guest on the vocals.

Singer Timo Rotten states:
“The title track for WE ARE NØT OKAY is about recognizing the fact that it’s actually okay to NOT be okay. We as a society have to overcome the stigma of mental health and admit, that we have a problem. Especially in those challenging times right now, mental health is an important issue that unfortunately is too often swept under the carpet. So if you’re fighting any kind of mental illness we encourage you: reach out to somebody, stop faking smiles and admit that #wearenotokay. Only if we do that, we take a first step towards becoming a more caring and inclusive society. Down in the abyss we are many.”
Andy Dörner adds:
“The topic of WE ARE NØT OKAY fits perfectly into today’s world. Even though the theme is timeless, it seems to me that there are more and more depressed people and lost souls. It’s very important to speak about it and I’m very happy to be a part of this banger song! Enjoy my friends and don’t hesitate to speak up about your problems and inner demons…There is always a solution!”