SOUR TIMES: The 11th Hour

The 11th Hour



HEAVY AS FUCK: Sour Times’—metal duo Ben Reigle (Brain Vacuum, Eat Shit and Die, The Empty Frames) and Joseph Izayea (From Under Concrete Kings, Seeking Sirens)—devastating opus The 11th Hour is all killer, no filler for the most part, a towering juggernaut of scathing guitars, and even more pissed vocals that doesn’t often let up, so buckle up and remember to breathe.

“Rage Motivator” is a perfect name for the opening track on The 11th Hour, two words that perfectly encapsulate the destructive tones that lie within. And if this track does motivate a little rage in you, then check your pulse immediately. A powerful mix of sledgehammer-like riffs and acerbic, venomous barks pummel listeners into submission, though it’s just the beginning of this journey. Sour Times takes no quarter, and they sure as shit don’t give one as the following “Duality” continues the sonic onslaught with more chugging riffs, beefy percussion, and caustic vocal work. “Dismay” introduces some prog to the mix, some much needed clean vocal work enters the chat during the otherwise heavy as shit “Obey,” and returns on album highlight “Lily White,” adding some memorable vocal interplay to an already memorable track. “The 11th Hour” and “Death & Taxes” deliver more of the same shit your pants heaviness, and closer “Burn” takes things to the next level. Any time a track begins with barks of “Burn This Motherfucker Down!” you know you’re in for one hell of a ride. Sludgy, doom-laden riffs combine with moments of pure call and response to create a standout, one of many across The 11th Hour.

The 11th Hour is intense to say the very least. But rest assured, this one is a journey worth embarking on. This is one of the better heavy records we’ve heard recently. ~ Brian Campbell