Masked horror-metal masters MUSHROOMHEAD have returned with a holiday gift for fans in the form of an eerie, cinematic and brutally blasphemous new music video for the A Wonderful Life favorite “A Requiem For Tomorrow,” featuring the haunting contributions of the Cleveland Chamber Choir. Their hair-raising vocal backdrop combined with the band’s trademark gruesome aesthetic, punishing sound, intricate costumes and detailed SFX makeup make for a chilling surprise to cap 2021.
MUSHROOMHEAD mastermind Skinny offers about the video:
“Dr. F (Ryan Farrell) and the Cleveland Chamber Choir did such an amazing job that I felt compelled to bring it to life a little further. Some of the elements and characters in the video are roughly based on a short story that I’ve been working on for SK1INDUSTRIES. Working under Covid conditions and restrictions certainly has put limitations on things, so I would personally like to thank the band, all of the crew and extras that believed and busted their asses to help me make this happen. Music and art is a privilege after all, and I don’t take any of this for granted…”