CATTLE DECAPITATION will kick off a five-date mini-tour with special guests/grindcore merchants Unidad Trauma next week. The journey will rampage its way through San Francisco, San Diego, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, and Colorado Springs. See all confirmed dates below.
4/30/2019 DNA – San Francisco, CA
5/01/2019 Brick By Brick – San Diego, CA w/ Cave Bastard, Temblad
5/02/2019 Dive Bar – Las Vegas, NV w/ Guttural Secrete, Excerebration
5/04/2019 Launchpad – Albuquerque, NM w/ Suspended, Snot Goblin
5/05/2019 Black Sheep – Colorado Springs, CO
CATTLE DECAPITATION released their Medium Rarities full-length last fall via Metal Blade Records. Featuring six previously unreleased pre-Human Jerky demos (1999) with frontman Travis Ryan on guitar (while also handling vocal duties), plus the long-sought-after To Serve Man (2002) bonus track, “Rotting Children For Remote Viewing,” as well as the six songs from 2005’s split EP with Caninus and other rarities, the collection spans the band’s 22 year long career and is a must-have for any CATTLE DECAPITATION devotee.