Legendary producer John Fryer presents his latest single “Nocturnal” under the Black Needle Noise moniker, featuring Croatian-Australian soprano Helena Mamich.
This single follows close on the trails of BNN’s These Mortal Covers album, a covers based album, released via Cleopatra Records and involving collaborations with a handful of varied vocalists, including Anjela Piccard, Pinky Turzo, Beca, Tom Berger, Magic Rebecca Coseboom, and Betty X.
“I had made the music and was talking to my good friend Marija Buljeta and said I was looking for an opera singer for it and as luck would have it she was friends with Helena Mamich, who she recommended to me and the rest is herstory as they say. Helena has worked wonders on this song and we give you ‘Nocturnal,’” says John Fryer.
“Adding the dark voice into the context of darkness we get Nocturnal” or the Latin proverb “De nocte Consilium,” says Helena Mamich.