Lancaster five-piece AUGUST BURNS RED—JB Brubaker [lead guitar], Brent Rambler [rhythm guitar], Matt Greiner [drums], Jake Luhrs [lead vocals], and Dustin Davidson [bass]—have built a long, successful, and Grammy-nominated career by making angry music for happy people. That credo fully manifests in the video for “Bloodletter,” where some serious grocery store shenanigans happen.
Cleaning crew hijinks—and rocking out!—ensue when the janitors take on the bad guys in the “Bloodletter” video.
“‘Bloodletter’ is hands down the heaviest song on Guardians and maybe one of the heaviest songs we’ve ever done, so we figured it would be the perfect soundtrack for inadvertently foiling a robbery,” says Rambler. “We had a blast making this video, so we hope you have a blast watching it!”