Using music and a deepening connection to life’s unseen component CrowJane has spent the last several years building and rebuilding better versions of herself from the ash of shed skins.
“At the end of last year I was working on a psychological thriller movie in a Chateau in Northern France. The crew and I were listening to my, about to be released EP Bound To Me. The drone/camera operator Brendan o’ Neal, along with some other crew, suggested shooting some music video footage at this amazing castle we were all living in. We agreed that the song ‘Nomad’ was the most fitting for the location.
“So we went running around the castle trying to get as much footage as we could when we had the time off to do so.
“When I returned to the States I knew I wanted to incorporate a band performance mixed with it. As CrowJane grows and has become more of a full band as opposed to just me, I want to incorporate all the players involved in making these songs come to life . Most of my videos have been just me with the exception of the video for the song ‘destroy,’ also released on the Bound To Me EP.
“The song ‘Nomad’ in a nutshell is about war. The ceaseless spilling of blood and the aftermath. The chorus has a kind of hopeful tune in the mix of grim versus. Talking about the rise of a new dawn when the killings are over. In the mix of all that, I was also thinking about climate change and referring to the planet as a malignant sphere and asking is the end near? If the universe doesn’t kill off humanity maybe we will just cause our own extinction.“
CrowJane’s latest EP Bound to Me which can be streamed HERE
Coming from a visual art background of surrealism and horror, she has simultaneously built a career as a professional horror effects makeup artist. This unlikely background helped foster an outsider musical sensibility that is perfectly balanced by an encyclopedic knowledge of the byways and back roads of punk and death rock, both historic and in LA’s contemporary underground music scene, of which her bands have been an integral component.